Brief Excerpts of Commentary: |
"And, his own,
distinctively Constructivist style has evolved over the past 20 years..
Paintings from the early 1980s are most expressionist in execution.
Colors are mainly primaries, badly, if never indiscriminately, rendered.
Largish stretches of roiling, rippling brushwork show the parkland
almost breathing fire, no matter how idyllic the setting."
continue reading...
Henry is the author of the monograph Janet Fish, Burton & Skira,
and a book of poems, The Mirrored Clubs of Hell, from Little, Brown
Company. Mr. Henry is a contributing editor of ArtNews, and
reviews regularly for Art in America. |
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"Dream-like art in its
effect, but unlike a dream in the severity of the rules of the total
artist: I think of his art as an ordered phantasmagoria.
Surrounded by Anatoly's art, I have always seemed to hear the distant
music of one great symphonic composition."
continue reading....
Stewart, correspondent in Italy for the Dutch daily Algemeen
Dagblag, has written widely on European culture and reported for many
years on East Europe for many European publications. |
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"There are some things
he is not. He is not a self-indulgent natural genius whose every
daub transcends criticism. He is not trendy. He is not Pop,
nor anything like it; he is not a man of the 90s, in the usual sense."
continue reading....
Vermillion is a painter. He was born in Texas and now lives
in Mexico. He has been a regular contributor of art
criticism to various American and Mexican newspapers. |
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"Mr. Krynsky
relentlessly continues artistic search and experimentation, creating
abstract works, delving into Suprematism, Cubo-Futurism and
In his series 'The Man and the City' created in Moscow, Mr.
Krynsky interprets a person as part of a mechanism, stressing the
tragedy of human existence in a world of technological progress."
continue reading....
Lucien Ficks
is a Senior Editor of the "Voice of America" in Washington, D.C. and
contributing art columnist for the New York's Russian Daily "Novoye
Russkoye Slovo." |
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"Anatoly Krynsky again
demonstrates that art is the kingdom of freedom that must discipline
itself in order not to degenerate into anarchy, because the “aesthetic
message” is not the tumultuous reflection of a more or less fascinating
situation but the concrete signification of the individual who wants to
dialogue poetically with others."
continue reading....
Franco Miele |
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"The talent
and genius of Mr. Krynsky is rooted in nearly half a century of total
dedication of his endeavor in creative art. A disciple of the noted
Boris Kosarev and Vasily Ermilov and inspired by his great countryman
Alexander Archipenko, who like him chose America as a new home." continue
Alexander R. Raydon Raydon Gallery
New York, NY |
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"Mr. Krynsky was
a victim of the 1976 purge which saw up to 100 of the brightest Soviet
artistic lights expelled. He had applied for an exit visa
and was promptly fired from his job. His unemployment lasted six
months until he was eventually allowed to leave. About forty
dissident Soviet artists took up residence in New York; another thirty
now live in Paris."
Barbara Lake
is a contributing writer at
Sunstorm. |
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